Switch to mobile for demo.

Switch to mobile portrait for demo.

Call Visualizer
Visual guidance for phone interactions
Look at Your phone for customer view
Look at Your desktop for agent view
Live Observation
step 1 of 5
Scroll down on your phone and observe your computer to experience live observation.
See it? đź‘Ź
step 1 of 5
Do you see your session scrolling on your computer?
step 2 of 5
Click “Offer CoBrowsing” on top right panel of your computer to initiate CoBrowsing. Click Accept.
step 3 of 5
Do you see the agent's cursor? Try to click the “Apply Here" button” on your computer screen.
Nice! Keep going.
step 3 of 5
Now try to enter some text on your phone and look at your computer. Hit apply to proceed.
step 4 of 5
Click “Start Video” on your computer on the top right panel to initiate a one-way video engagement. You may have to allow your camera.
End Engagement
step 5 of 5
Click the “End Cobrowse” button on your phone and fill in the post-engagement survey.

Finances. Take control of your future.

We’re always looking for innovative ways to make your life easier.

Balance transfer credit cards

If you’re paying interest on credit or store cards, you could consolidate what you owe with one of our balance transfer cards.

Platinum up to 28 month balance transfer card

Apply HereApply Here
Purchase rate p.a.
Based on credit limit of

Mortgage options

For all kinds of adventures

Your new home

Buying your first home

Moving home

Relocate your mortgage

Home Equity options

What Clients Say

"Mainfinancial has a unique way to tailor their approach based on the needs of the business as well as the team. They helped us to achieve our short and long-term goals."

– Linda J. (Office Manager)

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– John Smith